Japanese Star Wars Sets

Japanese Star Wars Singles are now in stock at CategoryOneGames.com. You can find all five sets that were made in Japanese in stock.  You might be wondering how it could be five sets.  Most people know that Premiere, A New Hope and Hoth were all made into Japanese sets, but… More

Avengers West Coast Series Review

I want to post a Comic Book Review at least once a week.  This week I’m posting my thoughts as I read through Avengers West Coast.  This will not be the format of all of the posts but is for this series because I didn’t really look at the writers… More

Star Wars Commons and Uncommons

Tatooine, Coruscant and Theed Palace Commons and Uncommons are now on CategoryOneGames.  A full inventory of every set is now on the site ranging from Commons, Uncommons, Rares, Ultra Rares, Foils and Playtest Cards. It’s amazing to me how much demand there has been for Commons and Uncommons.  It really… More

Reflections Gold

Reflections Gold singles are available for purchase on CategoryOneGames.  Even if you don’t plan on buying one, this is your chance to take a look at each card that is available in the set. A lot of Star Wars CCG players have never even heard of Reflections Gold and the… More

8.1 Master Spoiler List

While the set will not be officially legal until May 11th and small changes might be made, this is the master list to the new 8.1 set.  Every card from this set is in stock at CategoryOneGames.  Make sure you pick up the cards you need in order to finish… More

Star Wars Virtual Set 8.1 Preview Cards, WB Sets on the Site.

Buyers and Sellers continue to break activity records on CategoryOneGames.  We have been getting in some great trade in cards while continuing to fill orders within 24 hours of a customer order.  We are also trying to increase our inventory by adding Commons and Uncommons to the site.  So far… More

Cube, Decks and Limited Format

I talked to a Star Wars player today that really got me excited for what’s coming next for CategoryOneGames.  We are going to start selling Cubes, Top Tier Decks and a new Limited Format that the PC is working on. These have all really energized me and got me excited… More