Buyers and Sellers continue to break activity records on CategoryOneGames. We have been getting in some great trade in cards while continuing to fill orders within 24 hours of a customer order. We are also trying to increase our inventory by adding Commons and Uncommons to the site. So far we have been able to get these on from Premiere through Jabba’s Palace and Premiere through Hoth Unlimited sets.
A New Hope and Hoth WB have not been on the current sites design but launched this past week. Dagobah will launch by the weekend and Japanese sets are the next challenge.
Restock – The top card we have received recently are two Darth Maul with Lightsaber Tournament Foils. In addition to that, a huge amount of played and damaged cards from Premiere through Special Edition. If your looking for cards to add to your playstock and decks, now is the time to load up on them.
Virtual set 8.1 comes out May 11th and cards are starting to be spoiled on the PC site. Find each card as it is released on CategoryOneGames. The Dark Side receives a new theme based around Assassins. These characters will be better when they are by themselves and hunting a target. If your a fan of Bounty Hunters and Aliens, this is the set for you.
- Bane Malar is becoming Bane Malar, Spice Adict
- Mara Jade’s Lightsaber (V)
- Slave 1
Need Tournament Prizes for your States or Regional event, let us help you put something together that your players will enjoy for the best possible price.
Free Shipping on all orders over $25 in the US. – this is something that is posted on the front page of CategoryOneGames but appears to be something that a lot of people miss. I recently had a buyer ask why I didn’t give free shipping, I pointed him to the free shipping comment on the front of the website and he thanked me and quickly placed an order for $30. Not only do we give free shipping on orders over $25 but we lowered our shipping rate for orders under $25. So if your over or under that $25, your getting a good deal either way.
Scott’s Comics: I’m a huge comic book reader and collector. I have had a stack of books growing over the past four months on my nightstand that I’ve known I would need to get through. I continue to find myself not enjoying many of the books I’m getting monthly and have been cherry picking Invincible and Walking Dead right away and putting the rest on the stack. I decided it was time to do something about it and I worked my way through the stack of books and also cut my hold list to just 6 monthly series from 20.
The books that made the cut are:
- Green Lantern
- Invincible
- Uncanny X-Force
- X-Factor
- Uncanny X-Men
- The Twelve (2 issues left so I’m not counting it as a monthly)
- The Walking Dead
I’m going to get more into full series of books as this blog moves along. I’ve got Avengers West Coast and Force Works just about ready to review and I’m almost finished with the full series of DMZ. While I love NotBlogX and all the reviews they have done, I would rather review series as I’m reading through them. I’ll usually break them up in parts unless it is a smaller run.
Look for the Avengers West Coast review next.