C1G Update for May 22, 2024: Memorial Day – Weekend Sale – NFL Showdown & Redzone

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No weekly sale this week. Look for the Memorial Day weekend sale to go from Saturday through Monday.

Scott’s Thoughts

Memorial Day was always a special day in my household growing up. I lived in Arizona until I was eleven and my mom’s family all lived there. We would go every Memorial Day to the Mesa cemetery and my grandma would share family stories of those that passed. Once my grandfather passed, he was also buried there and we would hear stories of his time in the Air Force during WW2. He was a pilot who saw many flights through France and Germany and then was in the recovery efforts in Japan. It was a special time to spend with cousins and extended family as we honored those who have past.

Sadly, I haven’t been back to the Mesa cemetery in a few years. It is still a great memory that my cousins and I share and talk about.

For the upcoming weekend, we will have a sale running Saturday through Monday – ending on Tuesday. Look to pick up the items you need at that time.

This week saw two new games get added to the site with singles available for their Premiere sets – NFL Showdown and NFL Redzone. Star Wars CCG is going to see a massive restock on Thursday. Middle Earth and Star Wars TCG both saw some cool items land on the site including The Dragon’s packs for Middle Earth. A very hard to find Kult promo landed – We Won’t Survive without the Humans. I believe it is in French and is one of the harder promos to find for the game.

We are continuing to work on a few games behind the scenes that I think you will all really like and I’m excited for when they are fully updated and I can talk about them with you.

Family Corner:

Graduation this week for the senior. Connor has been enjoying all the senior activities this week and hasn’t been working because of it, haha. Get back to work.

Lacrosse is over and summer 7’s registration has already happened as well as speed camp for my daughter.

My youngest son’s baseball team finishes the season tonight. They will then go into the city playoffs and hopefully make the state playoffs. He had a great single last week and stole all the way to home tying the game up and later was walked. His team gave up two runs in the bottom of the last inning to lose the game 4-2 which was a real shame. He’s been playing great and it has been fun to see his improvement over the past few weeks.

Have a great week!

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